Renewable Energy: Solar

Solar panels we installed up at a Leadville fishing ranch project – these panels power the entire barn that is on the property.
Going green has been trending across multiple industries for awhile now, and with good reason. At KK Design, we love our environment and try to do our part to be a green-conscious and sustainably oriented company. That’s one of the reasons that our current ranch project in Leadville, Colorado is going to be 100% solar-powered!
We can’t even begin to describe how excited this makes us. The project currently has a main residence, as well as a barn, which will both run on 100% solar. Heating, electricity, etc. – you name it, it gets its power from the sun. We opted to go with a local Colorado company to provide the panels and the install – BriteStreet Solar. With a warranty for the lifetime of the system, as well as high quality solar panels and noteworthy workmanship, not to mention being a local Colorado company, we knew we were in good hands right from the get go.

These solar panels power the entire home behind them at our Leadville fishing ranch project.
And, what we found serendipitous is that during one of our Denver meetings with BriteStreet Solar, we just happened to also see a solar-powered display at Louis Vuitton that very same afternoon.

The Louis Vuitton display
So, again, we come full circle within the worlds of fashion and design + build.
We’re seeing clients that want to go green and, in the same manner, we believe the fashion industry is seeing that push, as well. People want to make a positive versus a negative impact on their environment. And, they want to know their materials are sustainable, whether fabric for clothing or reclaimed wood siding for a home. The idea of solar energy powering both an entire home, as well as a window display for an icon in the fashion industry is intriguing and well received.
We are certainly seeing clients that want to go green and be sustainable in their design + build approach. They are cognizant of the environment and human impacts and are actively trying to purchase with all those things in mind. We don’t see this “trend” disappearing any time soon. And, in all honesty, we don’t really know if “trend” is even the correct terminology. Rather, going green could be a new way of living. It certainly appears to be here to stay within the worlds of design + build, as well as fashion, in our humble opinion.
If you’d like to talk to us about solar panels of your own that you’d like to incorporate into an upcoming project or any other eco-friendly ideas you have in mind, please reach out to us. We’re always all ears! And, you can go to our “About Us” page for more info about KKD and what we do.